Monday, April 8, 2013

Instant Rasmalai Recipe

Ingredients :

Rasmalai Can - 1
Half & Half Milk - 1 Quart (0.946 ltrs)
Sugar - 9 Spoons
Pistachios (Powdered) - To Garnish (6 tbs)
Cardamom Powder - 1/2 tbs

Preparation :

Boil Half & Half milk with sugar,When it starts boiling add powdered pistachios and cardamom powder and mix well.When done open the Rasmalai Can and squeeze the sugar syrup from the pieces and add them to this hot milk.Don't touch or mix it.

Now cool it and when it is cooled refrigerate it.Now Rasmalai is ready to serve.

Number of Servings - 10

**Tip** You Can Use the squeezed sugar syrup to prepare tea and coffee..


  1. I haven't tasted yet but would likw to come to your home and taste it...
